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14 1974


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commencing at 7 p.m. precisely

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AMERICAN NUMISMATIC SOGEHIenheim Street, New Bond Street, London, W1Y 9LD.

NOV 8 - 1974 SALE OF



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194 192 193 194 195 196 17, 198 199 200 201 202 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 pA Vik 22 ZS 214 PA Is, 216

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52 140 70 105 aye 60 50 ZS 260 30 65 140 90 70 80 90 70 80 105 55 42 16 38 28

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ae 70 70 55 80 85 90 60 70 30 55

80 80 62 48 52 250 300 52 26 44 44 80 40 30 30 135 130 32 40 68 95 90 80 80 48 85 190 125




Day of Sale

Wednesday, 2nd October, 1974

commencing at 1 p.m. precisely

1 Macedonia, Neapolis (c. 450 B.C.), Hemidrachms (2), gorgon’s head facing, rev. head of nymph right (BMC 25). Very fine.

2* —— Alexander III (335-323 B.C.), Stater, helmeted head of Athena right, rev. Nike standing left (M.731). Slight knock to edge, about extremely fine.

3 —— —— Tetradrachm, head of Herakles right, rev. Zeus seated left (M.72). Very fine.

4* —__ Drachm, as previous lot (Thompson/Bellinger 41). Extremely fine.

5 —— Philip III (336-316 B.C.), Tetradrachm, as previous lot (M.99). Banker’s mark on obvy., about extremely fine.

6* —— Antigonas Gonatas (277-239 B.C.), Tetradrachm, head of

Pan left in centre of Macedonian shield, rev. Athena stand- ing left, helmet and TI in field (Boston 712/3 var.). Very


7 Thrace, Byzantium (4th Century B.C.), Drachm, bull standing left, dolphin below, rev. quadripartite incuse (BMC 1). Very


8* —— Thasos (2nd-lst Century B.C.), Tetradrachm, head of Dionysus right, rev. Herakles standing facing (BMC 72). Very fine.

Lysimachus (323-281 B.C.), Stater, head of Alexander right, rev. Athena seated left, A? in exergue (M.—). Extremely



10 Thessaly, Thessalian League (196-146 B.C.), Double-Victoriati (2), head of Zeus right, rev. Athena standing right (BMC 31). Very fine.

11* —— Larissa (c. 360 B.C.), Drachm, facing head of nymph, rev. horse grazing left, plant beneath feet (cf. Pozzi 1225). Slightly off-centre, about extremely fine.

12* Aetolia, Aetolian League (269-168 B.C.), Stater, diademed head of young man right, rev. warrior standing left (BMC 10). Very fine.

13* Beeotia, Thebes (c. 530-480 B.C.), Stater, Boeotian shield, rev. ® in centre of windmill incuse (BMC 5). Very fine.

14* Attica, Athens (c. 440-420 B.C.), Tetradrachm, helmeted head of Athena right, rev. owl standing right (cf. Pozzi 1549). About extremely fine but slightly irregular flan.

15* ——_- —— (c. 157-156 B.C.), Tetradrachm, helmeted head of Athena right, rev. owl standing on amphora, all in wreath (Thompson 466g). Very fine.

16 Corinthia, Corinth (c. 500-475 B.C.), Stater, helmeted head of Athena right, rev. Pegasus flying right (BMC 73). About very fine.

17 Arcadia, Arcadian League (363-280 B.C.), Hemidrachms (3), head of Zeus left, rev. Pan seated left on rock (BMC 53, 54, 75); and a similar Hemidrachm of Megalopolis (BMC 10). Very fine.

18 Paphlagonia, Sinope (4th Century B.C.), Drachm, head of nymph left, aplustre to left, rev. eagle on dolphin left, magistrate PAE (BMC—). Very fine.

19* Pergamum, Eumenes I (262-241 B.C.), Tetradrachm, head of Philateirus right, rev. Athena seated left (BMC 31; Wester- mark XVIII/3). Very fine.

20* Aeolis, Lesbos (4th Century B.C.), electrum Hekte, head of Hermes right, rev. panther right (BMC 68). Very fine.

21* Caria, Cnidos (c. 190-167 B.C.), Drachm, head of Helios facing, rey. protome of lion right (BMC 76). About extremely fine.


22* —— Rhodes (c. 400-333 B.C.), Didrachm, head of Helios, rev. rose (BMC 34). Very fine.

23* Lycia, Perikles (c. 380-362 B.C.), Stater, facing head of Perikles, rev. warrior advancing right (Mildenberg 27). Some flatten- ing on obverse, very fine.

24 Cilicia, Soli (c. 450-400 B.C.), Stater, archer kneeling left, rev. bunch of grapes (cf. BMC 3 var.). Fine, but with obverse very weak as usual.

25 Cyprus, Salamis, Euagoras (411-374 B.C.), Tetrobols (2), Herakles seated left on rock, rey. goat seated right. Both off-centre, very fine.

26 Syria, Seleucus I (306-281 B.C.), Tetradrachm, mint of Susa, struck under Antiochus I, head of Herakles right, rev. Zeus seated left (NESC 349). About very fine.

27 —— Seleucus VI (96-95 B.C.), Tetradrachm, diademed head right, rev. Zeus seated left (BMC 1). Very fine.

28 Judza, Second Revolt (A.D. 132-135), 4224, palm tree, rev. vine leaf (BMC 66). Very fine.

29 Egypt, Ptolemy I (317-285 B.C.), Tetradrachm, head of Ptolemy right, rev. eagle standing left (Sv. pl. IX/10). Very fine.

30 —— Ptolemy VIII (c. 116 B.C.), Tetradrachm, head right, rev. eagle left, LNA and! JA in field. About extremely fine.

Roman Republic

31* Q. Cassius Longinus (c. 57 B.C.), Denarius, head of Bonus Even- tus right, rev. eagle standing right on thunderbolt (S.916; B.7). Very fine.

32* P. Lentulus Marcelli f. (c. 96-94 B.C.), Denarius, bust of Hercules right, rev. Roma standing, crowned by Genius (S.604; B.25). Extremely fine.

33* Cn. Cornelius Lentulus (c. 76-74 B.C.), Denarius, bust of the Genius of the Roman People, rev. globe between rudder and sceptre (S.752; B.54). Extremely fine.

6 Lot

34* C. Julius Cesar (c. 50 B.C.), Denarius, female head right, rev. trophy of Gallic arms (S.1009; B.26). Extremely fine.

35* M. Lucilius Rufus (c. 100-95 B.C.), Denarius, Roma head right, in wreath, rey. Victory in biga right (S.599; B.1). Extremely fine.

36* L. Lucretius Trio (c. 74 B.C.), Denarius, head of Neptune right, rev. winged Genius riding on dolphin right (S.784; B.3). Cleaned, extremely fine.

37* C. Maianus (c. 135-134 B.C.), Denarius, Roma head right, rev. Victory in biga right (S.427; B.1). Extremely fine.

38* P. Plautius Hypseus (c. 58 B.C.), Denarius, bust of Leuconoé right, rev. Jupiter in quadriga left (S.911; B.12). Extremely fine.

39* A. Plautius (c. 54 B.C.), Denarius, head of Cybele right, rev. figure kneeling beside camel (S.932; B.13). About extremely


40* M. Porcius Cato (c. 93-91 B.C.), Denarius, female bust right, rev. Victory seated right (S.596a; B.6). Some weakness on the obverse, otherwise extremely fine.

41* Q. Sicinius (c. 49-48 B.C.), Denarius, head of Apollo right, rev. club of Hercules surmounted by lion-skin (S.939; B.1). About extremely fine.

42* L. Thorius Balbus (c. 100-95 B.C.), Denarius, head of Juno of Lanuvium right, rev. bull charging right (S.598; B.1). Very


43* L. Titurius Sabinus (c. 88 B.C.), Denarius, head of Tatius right, rev. two soldiers casting their shields upon Tarpeia (S.699; B.4). Very fine.

44* C. Vibius Varus (c. 39 B.C.), Denarius, helmeted bust of Minerva right, rev. Hercules standing left (S.1140; B.26). Extremely


45 M. Volteius M.f. (c. 76 B.C.), Denarius, head of Jupiter right, rev. temple of Jupiter Capitolinus (S.774; B.1). Very fine.











Roman Empire

Augustus (27 B.C—A.D. 14), Denarius, bare head right, rev. sacri- ficial implements (C.91). About very fine.

Antoninus Pius (A.D. 138-161), Denarii (2), revs. Tranquillitas (C.1016), and a Denarius of Faustina I, rev. Antoninus and Faustina (C.158). Very fine.

Faustina I (wife of Antoninus Pius), Denarius, draped bust right, rey. Ceres standing left (cf. BMC 417). Extremely fine.

Faustina II (wife of Marcus Aurelius), Denarius, draped bust right, rev. Juno standing left (C.139). Extremely fine.

Septimius Severus (A.D. 193-211), Denarii (3), revs. Jupiter (2) (C.525, 539), Victory in biga right (C.713); and Denarii of Julia Domna (2), revs. Diana (C.32), Cybele seated (C.123). Very fine to about extremely fine.

Caracalla (A.D. 198-217), Denarii (5), revs. Serapis (C.306), Sol (C.359), Jupiter (C.373), Caracalla (C.441), Mars (C.447). Very fine, some better.

Geta (A.D. 211-212), Denarius, draped bust right, rev. Nobilitas standing right (C.90). About extremely fine.

Macrinus (A.D. 217-218), Denarius, laureate and cuirassed bust with full beard, rev. Securitas standing left (C.87). About extremely fine.

°° Ex J. Schulman Sale (Graham Collection), 1966, lot 2021.

Elagabalus (A.D. 218-222), Denarii (2), revs. Fides (C.32), For- tuna (C.149). Very fine.

55 Julia Scemias (mother of Elagabalus), Denarius, draped bust right,

rev. Venus seated left (C.14). Very fine.

56 Severus Alexander (A.D. 222-235), Denarii (2), revs. Pax (C.348),

Spes (C.543). Very fine to extremely fine.

57 Gordian III (A.D. 238-244), Antoniniani (3), revs. Victory

(C.199), Gordian (C.210, 242). Very fine.

8 Lor

58* Herennius Etruscus (A.D. 251-253), Antoninianus, radiate, draped and cuirassed bust right, rev. Pudicitia seated left (C.35). About extremely fine. ]

59 Roman 4:3 (11), of Diocletian (2), Maximian, Constantine I (3), Helena, Licinius I, Galerius, Crispus and Constans. Very fine. i

60* Constantius I (A.D. 305-306), Follis, mint of Aquileia, draped bust right, rev. eagle on shrine (C.171). Extremely fine. 1

61 Constantius I (A.D. 337-360), Siliqua, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right, rev. VOTIS Xxx MVLTIS xxxx in wreath,

C-R in exergue (C.343). Very fine. 1 62* Honorius (A.D. 393-423), Solidus, armed and helmeted bust facing, rev. Constantinople seated (C.3). Extremely fine. 1 Byzantine

63* Arcadius (A.D. 383-408), Solidus, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right, rev. emperor standing, foot on captive, mint of

Sirmium (R.37 var.). About extremely fine. 1 64 —— Solidus, armoured facing bust, rev. Constantinople seated (R.47). Very fine. 1

65* Theodosius I (A.D. 408-450), Solidus, armoured facing bust, rev. Constantinople seated (R.143). Slightly double-struck on reverse, extremely fine. 1

66 Marcian (A.D. 450-457), Solidus, armed facing bust, rev. Victory holding long cross (R.215). Fine. 1

68* Leo I (A.D. 457-473), Solidus, armed facing bust, rev. Victory holding long cross (R.250). Extremely fine. ]

69 Zeno (A.D. 474-491), Solidus, armed facing bust, rev. Victory holding long cross (R.283). Extremely fine, some scratches on obverse. 1

70 Anastasius (A.D. 491-518), Solidus, armed facing bust, rev. Victory holding long cross (R.312). About very fine. 1

Lot Tk



Justin I (A.D. 517-527), Solidus, armed facing bust, rev. angel facing holding long cross (R.385). About very fine.

Sixth Century 4 (15), consisting of Folles (4), Half-Folles (2), Dekas (3), a Penta and Nummi (5). Fine to very fine.

73* Maurice Tiberius (A.D. 582-602), Solidus, facing bust, rev. angel







facing, holding long cross (R.1012). Extremely fine.

Focas (A.D. 602-610), Solidus, facing bust, rev. angel facing, hold- ing long cross (R.1180 var.). Very fine.

Heraclius and Heraclius Constantine (A.D. 613-630), Solidus, two facing busts, rev. cross on steps (R.1356). Very fine.

—— —— Hexagram, two seated figures facing, rev. cross on steps (R.1392). Fine.

Heraclius and his two sons (A.D. 630-641), Solidus, three standing figures, rev. cross on steps (R.1487 var.). Fine.

Constans II with Constantine IV (A.D. 654-659), Hexagram, two facing busts, rev. cross on steps (R.1600). Very fine.

Constantine IV (A.D. 668-685), Solidus, armed facing bust, rev. cross on steps (R.1667). About very fine.

80* Tiberius III (A.D. 698-705), Solidus, facing bust, rev. cross on

steps, + and S to left and right, mint of Sardinia (D.O. 15). Off-centre, about extremely fine.

81* Constantine V (A.D. 741-775), Solidus, bust of Constantine V

and Leo IV, rev. bust of Leo HI (D.O. 2g). Very fine.

82* Theofilos (A.D. 829-842), Solidus, mint of Sicily, facing bust, rev.



facing bust (D.O. 24). Extremely fine.

Basil I and Constantine VII (A.D. 869-879), Solidus, two busts, patriarchal cross between them, rev. Christ seated facing on throne (R.1858). Fine.

Constantine IX (A.D. 1042-1055), Histamenon, bust of Christ facing, rev. facing bust of Constantine holding sceptre and globus (D.O. 3). Extremely fine.


10 Lor

85 Michael VII (A.D. 1071-1078), Histamenon, facing bust of Christ, rey. facing bust of Michael, holding labarum-headed sceptre and globus (R.2032). Very fine.

86* John II (A.D. 1118-1143), electrum Trachy, Christ seated facing on throne, rev. John and St. George standing, holding patriarchal cross on steps between them (R.2098). About extremely fine.

87 Andronikos II (A.D. 1282-1294), Hyperper, the Virgin Orans within the walls of Constantinople, rev. Andronikos kneel- ing before Christ (R.2224). Fine.

88 Andronikos II and Michael IX (A.D. 1294-1320), Aspers (2), Christ seated on throne, rev. Andronikos and Michael standing, holding labarum between them (R.2238/9). About very fine.

89 John VIII (A.D. 1423-1448), a Half-Hyperper, bust of Christ, rev. bust of emperor (R.2268); and a similar Quarter-Hyperper (R.2269). Fine to very fine.

90 Byzantine bronzes (7) of the 10th to 13th Century, with Arab- Byzantine bronzes (7) and one of the Crusaders of Antioch. Fine to very fine.

91* Justinian I (A.D. 527-565), Solidus, facing bust, rev. angel stand- ing, holding globus and staff surmounted by Christogram (R.454). Extremely fine.

92* Tremissis, diademed, draped and cuirassed bust right, rev. Victory advancing right (R.467). Very fine.

93* Tiberius III (A.D. 698-705), Solidus, armed facing bust of em- peror holding shield and spear, rev. cross on steps (R.1698 var.). About extremely fine.

94* Nicephorus II and Basil II (A.D. 963-969), Solidus, bust of Christ facing, rev. busts of Nicephorus and Basil holding patri- archal cross between them (R.1911). About extremely fine.

95 Macedon, Demetrius Poliorcetes (306-283 B.C.), Tetradrachm, diademed head of Demetrius right, rev. Poseidon standing left, holding trident, foot on rock, mint of Amphipolis (N. pl. XI/2). Very fine.


Lor 96














Volusian (A.D. 251-253), Sestertius, laureate, draped and cuir- assed bust right, rev. temple of Juno Martialis (RIC 253a; C.46). About very fine.

Oriental coins (13), consisting of four Umaiyad and Abassid Dirhems, an Indian punch-marked silver coin, and Drachms of Menander and Azes I, toegther with bronzes (6) of Indo- Parthian and Kushan rulers and a Chinese Cash. Fine.

Syria, Philip (92-83 B.C.), Tetradrachm, diademed head right, rev. Zeus seated left (cf. BMC 1), fine; and two Diobols of Selge, very fine.

Greek Imperial coins (3), consisting of a Tetradrachm of Macrinus, mint of Gadara, rev. eagle; a Didrachm of Hadrian, mint of Cesarea, rev. club; and an 4221 of Geta of Hypeepa, rev. temple. Fine.

Roman silver coins (4), consisting of Denarii of Crispina and Caracalla, and Antoniniani (2) of Gordian III. Fine.

P. Accoleius Lariscolus (c. 37 B.C.), Denarius, bust of Acoa Larentia, rev. statues of three forest nymphs (S.1148). Some slight weakness in striking, otherwise extremely fine.

Ancient coins (23), consisting of a Stater of Caulonia, Roman Sestertii (3), Asses (4), 423 (11) and other coins (4), all

described and identified in envelopes. Fair to fine, a few better.

C. Valerius Flaccus (133-126 B.C.), Denarius, Roma head right, rey. Victory in biga right (S.440). Very fine.

L. Memmius Galeria (c. 103-102 B.C.), Denarius, laureate head of Saturn left, rev. Venus in biga right (S.574a). Very fine.

C. Coilius Caldus (c. 100-97 B.C.), Denarius, Roma head left, rev. Victory in biga left (S.582). Very fine.

A similar coin. Very fine.

L. Thorius Balbus (c. 100-95 B.C.), Denarius, head of Juno of Lanuvium right, rev. bull charging right (8.598). Very fine.

—— A similar coin. Very fine.



Lot 109






LIS 116








P. Servilius Rufus (c. 100-95 B.C.), Denarius, helmeted bust of Minerva left, rev. Victory in biga right (8.601). Very fine.

—— A similar coin. Very fine.

D. Julius Silanus (c. 90-89 B.C.), Denarius, head of Roma right, rev. Victory in biga right (S.646). Very fine.

L. Piso L.f. Frugi (c. 90-89 B.C.), Denarius, head of Apollo right, rev. naked horseman galloping right (S.6651). About ex- tremely fine.

C. Vibius C.f. Pansa (c. 89-88 B.C.), Denarius, head of Apollo right, rev. Minerva in quadriga right (S.684b). Reverse off- centre, extremely fine.

L. Titurius L.f. Sabinus (c. 88 B.C.), Denarius, head of Tatius, rey. two soldiers about to cast their shields on Tarpeia (S.699). Very fine.

—— A similar coins. Very fine. A similar coin. Very fine.

L. Julius Bursio (c. 83 B.C.), Denarius, youthful male head right, rey. Victory in quadriga right (S.728a). Extremely fine.

C. Licinius L.f. Macer (c. 83 B.C.), Denarius, bust of Vejovis left, hurling thunderbolt, rev. Minerva in quadriga right (S.732). About extremely fine.

—— A similar coin. Very fine.

A. Postumius A.f. S.n. Albinus (c. 79 B.C.), Denarius, bust of Diana right, rev. figure standing left, sacrificing over altar, to left a bull, the whole group on rocky platform (S.745). About extremely fine.

Q. Cecilius Metellus Pius c. 77 B.C.), Denarius, head of Pietas right, rev. lituus and jug in wreath (S.751). Obverse slightly off-centre, about extremely fine.

C. Nevius Balbus (c. 78-77 B.C.), serrate Denarius, head of Juno right, rev. Victory in triga right (S.769). About extremely fine.

13 LoT

123 —— A similar coin (S.769b). About extremely fine.

124 L. Papius (c. 78-77 B.C.), serrate Denarius, head of Juno Sospita right, rev. gryphon prancing right (S.773). Extremely fine.

125 C. Postumius (c. 74-73 B.C.), Denarius, bust of Diana right, rev. hound running right (S.785). Very fine.

126 L. Farsuleius Mensor (c. 73 B.C.), Denarius, bust of Libertas right, rev. Roma in biga right, assisting togate figure into chariot (S.789). Extremely fine.

126A Roman Republican Denarii (4), various (S.516, 554, 723, 739).

Very fine. 127 —— A similar lot (4), various (S.548, 691, 723, 732). Very fine. 128 A similar lot (4), various (S. 572, 702, 757, 769a). Very fine. 129 —— A similar lot (4), various (S.535, 590, 599, 757). Fine to very fine. 130 —— A similar lot (4), various (S. 445, 644, 646a, 751). Fine to very fine. 131 —— A similar lot (3), various (S.529, 702, 713a), very fine; and

an Antoninianus of Trajan Decius, fair.

132 Bruttium, Croton (c. 480-450 B.C.), Stater, tripod, rev. tripod in incuse (Pozzi 288). Very fine.

133 Sicily, Segesta (c. 461-415 B.C.), Litra, head of nymph facing, rey. dog standing left (Pozzi 532), rare and fair; together with a Hemidrachm of Chersonessus (Pozzi 1104) and a Diobol of Eion (Pozzi 681), fine.

134* Macedon, Alexander III (336-323 B.C.), Stater, helmeted head of Athena right, rev. Nike standing left (M.850 var.). Very fine.

135 ——- —— Tetradrachm, head of Herakles right, rev. Zeus seated left (M.—). About extremely fine.

136 —— —— Drachms (2), head of Herakles right, rev. Zeus seated left (M. 568, 595). Very fine.



137* —— Antigonas Gonatas (277-239 B.C.), Tetradrachm, head of












Pan left in centre of Macedonian shield, rev. Athena Alkis standing left (Pozzi 970). Very fine.

—— Aesillas Questor (92-88 B.C.), Tetradrachm, head of Alex- ander right, rev. chest, club and chair in wreath (Pozzi 1003). About extremely fine.

illyricum, Dyrrhachium (3rd Century B.C.), Drachm, cow and calf right, rev. floral design in double square (cf. Pozzi 1272), about extremely fine; and a Hemidrachm (BMC 154), about fine.

Corinthia, Corinth (c. 480-450 B.C.), Drachm, Pegasus flying right, rev. helmeted head of Athena right (BMC 89). Fine.

Eubeea, Chalcis (3rd Century B.C.), Drachm, female head right, rey. eagle with snake right (cf. Pozzi 1482), very fine; together with a Triobol of Larissa, pierced and fine, and a Hemidrachm of the Achzan League, very fine.

Ionia, Ephesus (4th Century B.C.), Tetradrachm, bee, rev. fore- part of stag right, head turned back (cf. Pozzi 2425/8). Very fine.

Syria, Demetrius I (162-150 B.C.), Tetradrachm, diademed head right, in oak-wreath, rev. Tyche seated left on throne (cf. Pozzi 2968/71). About extremely fine.

Persia (4th Century B.C.), Siglos, the Great King kneeling right and drawing a bow, rev. irregular incuse (BMC 185/190). Very fine.

—— (3rd Century B.C.), Hemidrachm, turretted head of Tyche right, rev. prow left (BSC 96). Very fine.

Phoenicia, Aradus (2nd Century B.C.), Drachm, bee, rev. stag standing right before palm-tree (cf. Pozzi 3047). Very fine.

Parthia, Phraates IV (c. 38-2 B.C.), Tetradrachm, diademed and draped bust left, rev. king seated right on throne, Athena seated left before him (Sellwood 52). Very fine.

Latium, Rome (c. 268-217 B.C.), Triens, helmeted head of Minerva right, rev. prow right. About very fine.

| Lot

149 Bruttium, Brettii (c. 282-203 B.C.), 4E 26, helmeted head of Ares left, rev. Nike crowning trophy left (SNG Cop. 1652). Dark tone, very fine.

150 Sicily, Syracuse (c. 345-317 B.C.), Libra, helmeted head of Athena left, rev. a star flanked by two dolphins (SNG Cop. 720). About very fine.

151 —— Agathocles (304-289 B.C.), 4222, head of Artemis

right, rev. thunderbolt (SNG Cop. 77g). Very fine and dark

green patina.

152 Greek copper coins (8) of Phalanna, Orchomenos, Athens (2), Tyre, Sidon, Aphytis and the First Jewish Revolt, all identified in envelopes. Fine to very fine.

153 Thrace, Rhoemetalces I (11 B.C—A.D. 12), AE 20, diademed head of king right, rev. bare head of Augustus right (BMC 7). Very fine.

154* Zeugitana, Carthage (3rd Century B.C.), AZ 20, head of Tanit left, rey. horse standing right, palm-tree behind (cf. M.154). Very fine.

155 Egypt, Alexandria, Nero (A.D. 54-68), billon Tetradrachm, radiate head left, rev. galley in full sail right (BMC 177). Very fine.

156* Caligula (A.D. 37-41), Sestertius, laureate head left, rev. s.P.a.R. P.P. OB. CIVES SERVATOS in oak-wreath (RIC 27; C24). Some tooling, very fine.

157* Claudius (A.D. 41-54), Sestertius, laureate head right, rev. Ex. s.c. P.P. OB. CIVES SERVATOS in oak-wreath (RIC 61; C38). Green patina, very fine.

158* Nero (A.D. 54-68), Sestertius, laureate head left, rev. triumphal arch (RIC 151; C.—). About extremely fine.

159* Galba (A.D. 68-69), Sestertius, laureate head right, rev. Libertas standing left (RIC 33; C.104). Green patina, very fine with strong portrait.

160* Vespasian (A.D. 69-79), Sestertius, laureate head right, rev. Roma standing left (RIC 443; C.418). Some tooling, about ex- tremely fine.



161* Trajan (A.D. 98-117), Sestertius, laureate head right, rev. Trajan






167 168






seated on curule chair left, holding out hand to woman with yo children (RIC 549; C.516). Tooled, about extremely ne.

Roman Sestertii (7), of Aurelius (2), Commodus, Geta, Gordian III, Trajan Decius and Volusian. Fair to fine.

Roman second brass (16), of Augustus (5), Caligula, Nero (2), Vespasian, Nerva (2), Trajan, Antoninus Pius (2), Marcus Aurelius and Gordian III. Fair to fine.

Ancient bronze coins (50), mostly Roman 3rd brass, with some Byzantine. Fair to fine, some better.

—— A similar lot (65). Fair to fine, some better.

Roman Colonial coins (10), various, including two billon Tetra- drachms, and copper coins of Syria and Arabia. Fair to very fine.

Byzantine copper coins (50), various. Fine.

Roman Sestertii (6), of Antoninus Pius (2), Lucilla, Commodus, Severus Alexander and Volusian. Fair to fine.

A hoard of approximately 300 late 4th Century bronze coins from Cyprus, at present totally illegible but would perhaps repay cleaning. Something for the enthusiast!

Macedon, Philip II (353-336 B.C.), Stater, head of Apollo right, rev. Nike in biga right (M.190). Fine style and about ex- tremely fine, but has been a little trimmed, mounted and gilt.

Alexander III (336-323 B.C.), Stater, helmeted head of Athena right, rev. Nike advancing left. Gilt and traces of mounting, very fine.

Nero Claudius Drusus (d. 9 B.C.), Aureus, laureate head right, rey. standard, shields and weapons (RIC 77; C.5). Traces of mounting, gilt and very fine.

Tiberius (A.D. 14-37), Aureus, laureate head right, rev. Livia seated right. Mounted, gilt and a little damage to reverse, about very fine.







Lor 174
















Constans (A.D. 337-350), Solidus, diademed and draped bust right, rev. Victory seated right holding shield, mint of Antioch (C.140). Rare and about very fine.

Bruttium, The Brettii (c. 282-203 B.C.), 4226, helmeted head of Ares left, rev. Bellona running right, holding spear and shield (BMC 47). Dark patina, very fine.

Sicily, Syracuse, Agathokles (317-289 B.C.), 4222, bust of Artemis right, rev. thunderbolt (BMC 422). Dark patina, very fine.

Hieron II (274-216 B.C.), A227, diademed head of Hieron left, rev. horseman galloping right (cf. BMC 587). Dark tone, very fine.

Caracalla (A.D. 198-217), Antoninianus, radiate bust right, rev. quadriga left, fine, the whole mounted in a contemporary Roman base gold ring mount with loop for suspension.

Domitius Domitianus (A.D. 296-297), Follis, laureate bust right, rey. Genius standing left, mint of Alexandria (C.1). Surface pitting but fine.

Judea, small AZ (80) of the kings and the Roman procurators. Mostly fair.

Ancient bronze coins (500), various. Mostly fair.

A similar lot (500). Mostly fair.

Cilician Armenia, bronze coins (200), various. Poor to fair. A similar lot (200). Poor to fair.

—— A similar lot (200). Poor to fair.

Cyprus, Janus (A.D. 1398-1432), billon Deniers (25), lion ram- pant left, rev. cross. Fine to very fine.

—— —— A similar lot (25). Fine to very fine.

—— —— A similar lot (31). Fine to very fine.

80 500








18 Lor

189 Constans II (A.D. 641-668), Solidus, facing bust, rev. cross on steps (R.1510 var.). Very fine.

190 Lucania, Thurium (c. 350-320 B.C.), Litra, helmeted head of Athena right, rev. bull to right, head lowered (Grose McClean 1354). Very fine.

190A —— Velia (4th Century B.C.), Stater, helmeted head of Athena left, rev. lion standing right (G.M. 1442). About very fine.

191 ——\ ——— Staters (2), as before but lion tearing food left (cf. G.M. 1449). Fine.

192 Calabria, Tarentum (c. 272-235 B.C.), Stater, youth on horse galloping right, thrusting with spear, rev. boy on dolphin left (V1. 880). Fine.

193 Achea, Achean League (280-146 B.C.), Hemidrachms (5) of Elis (2), Sparta, and uncertain (2). Very fine.

194 Small Greek silver coins (13) of Rhodes (3), Histiza (3), Argos, Corinth (2), Tarentum, Selge, Lycian League and Salamis. Fair to very fine.

195 Near Eastern coins (13), consisting of Parthian Drachms (3), Sassanian Drachms (4), an Armenian Tram, and five Indian AE. Fine to very fine.

196 Greek copper coins (15), various. Very fine.

197 L. Saufeius (c. 145-138 B.C.), Denarius, helmeted head of Roma right, rev. Victory in biga right (S.384). Extremely fine.

198 L. Scipio Asiagenus (c. 101 B.C.), Denarius, head of Jupiter left, rev. Jupiter in quadriga right (S.576b). Extremely fine.

199 Q. Antonius Balbus (c. 81 B.C.), Denarius, head of Jupiter right, rev. Victory in quadriga right (S.742a). About extremely


200 M. Antonius (c. 32-31 B.C.), Denarius, galley right, rev. LEG v1, standards (S.1223). Fine.

201 Augustus (27 B-C-A.D. 14), Denarius, bare head right, rev. shield between standards (RIC 305; C.265). Extremely fine.




Lor 202
















Vespasian (A.D. 69-79), Denarius, laureate head right, rev. Pax standing left (RIC 9). Very fine.

Domitian (A.D. 81-96), Denarii (3), revs. Minerva. Fine to about extremely fine.

Second Century Roman Denarii (7) of Trajan, Antoninus Pius (3), Faustina II, Lucius Verus and Commodus. Very fine.

A similar lot (6) of Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius (2), Marcus Aurelius and Faustina Il. Very fine.

—— A similar lot (5) of Trajan, Hadrian (2), Antoninus Pius and Faustina I. Fine to very fine.

—— A similar lot (5) of Trajan, Hadrian, Faustina I (2) and Faustina II. Fine to very fine.

Third Century Denarii (5) of Septimius Severus (2), Caracalla, Severus Alexander and Gordian III. Very fine, some better.

—— A similar lot (5) of Caracalla, Geta, Julia Domna, Severus Alexander and Gordian III. Very fine.

A similar lot (5) of Septimus Severus, Elagabalus, Severus Alexander, Julia Mamza and Gordian III. Very fine.

Third Century Antoniniani (6) of Philip I (2), Trajan Decius, Herennia Etruscilla, Gallienus and Salonina. About ex- tremely fine.

Marcus Aurelius (A.D. 161-180), Sestertius, laureate head right, rey. Liberalitas standing left (RIC 1147; C.419). Very fine.

Crispina (wife of Commodus), Sestertius, draped