Gc 977.2 02 M46wJl> 1356319 M. L. GENEALOGY COLLECTION £<^ ALLEN COUNTY PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 1833 02302 3093 istorv of Mechanics BY EMILY WEEKS Published un when he sold to N. R. Elliott and I. W. Cooper. Wra, Alexander came from Preble County, Ohio, in 1833, and entered land upon which the south bail of Mechanicsburg was built. Moses Wilhoit came from Ohio in 1 831. John Swain. Lewis Swain, and Wil- liam Jones came from Tennessee in 1834. The land Upon which John Swain settled had been entered No- vember 5, 182*). Lewis Swain's land had been en- tered by his father, June 8, 1833. William Jones en- tered eighty acres, which he soon sold to John Kees- ting for $195.00. William Keesling bought this of his father, and in 1854 built a home there winch he occupied the remainder of his life. It is now owned by W. H. Cummins. The east eighty acres of the Wm, Keesling farm was entered by John Swain and is now owned by W. H. Keesling. Isaac Adarnsou came from Tennessee about 1830. Solomon Bills en- tered eighty acres of land but soon soul one-half to George Keesling, the other hall to Lewis Swain. The northern, half of the village was built up- on the south-east corner of George Keesling's land and the south-west corner of Peter Keeping's land. while the southern half was built upon the Alexander farm. The first house built upon the land now- included in the town was the log farm house in which Wm. Alexander lived. Jt stood a few rods south-west of Mrs. N. R. Elliott's present homo. Later the mam pari of the building was moved to an- other lot by |ohn Aispaw. and is at present owned and occupied by Mrs. Essie Aispaw. Another pan 1 I j • ! i ■ 8 .'.■\.'.' i- " ' $ M ! I 1 ' ■ Peter Keesiing, 1800-1869. L ■ ! ■ "• i 3 • 3 i%m :^% $Jf;j. ■ ■ : ■ f ■ Mrs. Margaret Keesling. \ History oj Mechanicsburg\ y ol this building became a pan of the residence owned and occupied by Jacob Zirkie until January 29, 1904, when it was destroyed by fire. Alter much discussion the founders of the town de- cided to call it Mechanicsburg. Nearly every trade was represented. Among other names consid- ered was thai of Petersburg, which some proposed to call it in honor of Peter Keesling upon whose land the first business house was built. This building whs erected by Samuel Keesling, Peter's eldest son, and he was assisted by Thomas Murry and Thomas Gra- ham. i he building stood in the corner of a field of stumps and deadened trees. In this building Thomas Dunning opened the first store, probably in 184^. it occupied the present site ol J. W. Goodwin's dry goods store, Thornton Rogers clerked for him. After a time Mr. Dunning sold his store to Washington Franklin, who continued the business, and with his family occupied the Mrs. N. A. Goodwin property. Later, Lewis Swain owned this store for a time. 1 As early as 1844 a blacksmith shop was located where [. \Y. Cooper's residence now stands. The charcoal used in the shop was burned by the black- smith named Wm. Kepner, and Wm. Alexander. The . ...... pit was located on or near the site ot J. W, Good- win's barn. Later, Isaac Wampler, Wm. Alexan- der's son-in-law, had a blacksmith shop on the south- east corner, audi lived in a two-story log house on the lot. He made plows, in addition to his other work. Ll ■- — »-*» k— u4U4^^u«: History of Mechanicsburg. ■ Wm. A is paw afterward occupied this corner with a blacksmith shop, and later Wm. Perry worked at the cooper trade in the same building. Wm, Wood owned a blacksmith shop on East street in 1853, and has worked continuously at his trade since that time. Some of our citizens remember how they, in child- hood , "Coming home from school Looked in at the open door,'1 and in imagination again try to ''Catch the burning sparks that fly Like chaff Iron] the threshing-floor.'" Win. Wood's brother, John, learned the trade with him, and was a partner for a time. In 1863 their brother, Isaac Wood, came from Ohio and en- tered into a partnership with William which lasted until March, 1874. January to, 1849, Thomas B. Keesling bought ot George Keesiing about three acres of land comprising the lots from W. H, Keesling1 s lot on the north-west corner westward to John L, Swam1 lot, inclusive. The consideration was $25.00. July 1.4 ot the same year Thomas Keesling was appointed first post-mas- ter of Mechanicsburg. He had built a residence on the corner lot, and in this In- lived and kept the post- office. The snail was brought once a week from New Castle to Cadiz; was carried thence on horseback to Mechanicsburg, Ovid, Huntsville and Pendeltom Mr. Keesling is now living in San Jose, California . : Abel Silinett was appointed first carrier of Mechanicsburg's first daily mail. Tins route was established between Mechanicsburg and Middletuwn in 1867 and Mr. Sinnett served almost continuous- ly for sixteen vears. Lewis Greenlee held a con- ■ tract for four years but employed Mr. Sinnett a part of his term. He carried passengers and packages between the two towns. A. farmer's wife or daughter rushing out and handing Mr, Sinnett a sample ol calico or lace to match for her in town was a familiar sight to the passengers on the mail hack. In 1868 Mr. Sinnett and family moved into the toll-house one-half mile east of town where thev lived for twenty-four years, the first and only keep- ers of thai gate. Since 189-2 they have kept a hotel in Mechanicsburg. Mr. Sinnett was married to Deborah Boram 01 February, 1862. Milbura Keesling and Eliza Norman were mar- ried m 185:2 and began housekeeping on the VVil- liam Adamson farm. In 1854 they moved to Mis- souri where they remained lour years. In 1883 they bought their present home which occupies the former site of the old "Skeeter" school house. Mr. Keesling and Mr. Sinnett each lived for a time in the cabin on Peter Keesling's farm. It was surrounded by an orchard of cherry trees which remained many vears after the cabin had disappeared. History of Mechanicsbitrg* () OHUBOHBS Before a church building had been erected the Methodists held their meetings in William Alexan- der's home It was probably as early as 1843 that a hewed log- church was built on George Keesling's land opposite the old cemetery. Four or live years later a storm carried the upper part oi this building down the hill leaving the floor, and walls one log high, standing. Jacob Mogul was one of the trus- tees of the church, and Solomon Rigger and Stephen Norman were two local preachers. During the lor- ties lour ministers, named Strighi, Heath, John Leach, and Matthew Fennemore, preached in the churches of the neighborhood. The Middletown cir- cuit oi the Methodist church included Mechanics burg and the Bell church three miles west of town. In 184'.) a Methodist camp-meeting was held in the Bon- ham woods where natural slopes formed a fine ampi- theater. In the summer of 1853 the German Baptists held their annual meeting in Peter Keesling's new barn. Some time during the fifties a frame church was erected bv the Methodists on the site of the one de- ■ stroyed l>v storm. Many of our citizens remember attending church services and Sunday-school in this building. It was ceiled with wood, and had a large pillar in the center oi the room. The S, S. library was kept in a little red case which stood directly be- neath the high, old-fashioned pulpit. This case had been in the log church, and aftej the storm was found ' 70 History of Mechanicsburg. in its accustomed place. It had not. been overturned ■. even when the roof and walls had been lifted and car . • ried away. Here on Sunday afternoons William Perry led a singing class, using the old figure notes. Here, too, occurred a thrilling adventure of Daniel Rent's childhood, Attending an evening service he grew sleepy. Creeping into a dark corner he was soon in a sound sleep from which he did not waken when the congregation was dismissed. Later, he awakened and found, himself alone in the dark church with the white stones gleaming across the way. Climbing out through a window he rushed like the wind past the cemetery and across the little vai- lev that lay between the church and the village. Eli Rammel preached here in 1853: Benjamin Smith, in '55: Philip Stephens, in '56; M, P. Armstrong, '57; J. B, Birt, i860; W. S. Bradford, ■ '6r» The latter resigned to serve in the Civil War: his successor, Nathaniel Brown, also gave up the work in a short time and entered the army. Next came J, H. McMahon in '62; W, E. McCar- ty, '63; I). F. Strxght, '65; J. and O. S. Harri- son. :68; William Anderson and E, Pierce, '6c>; William Anderson and VV. H, Meissee, 1870 and "71; John Pierce, '72-74; F, A. Fish, '75 and '76; P. Carland, '77; j. Thomas, '78 and '80; C. Har- vey, '8i and '82; R. B. Powell, '83-85; j. W. Low- ery, 'S$ and '87; C. C, Cissell, '88. A Methodist church, was built at College Corner \U 1888. and the meetings were- then held at that ; . .,-■.■ ■ : 1 «■'$#•* l •■; i ,■'■■■■■■ . •■• J - 5 v ■: ' i . "' ' -,-v. • if T ! . r ■ . ■ ■ ■■■. • ... • ■>v. ■ • ■ SB 3 0 0 c u V. 'c o « ■ I ■ I History of 'Mechanicshurg. if place until the spring of ^ when they wei moved to Mechanicsburg. The pastor for 1904 and 1905 was Rev. R. F. Smith; tor 1906, F. J. Speck- ein. The brick church on North street was erected ■ in 1873, It is a union church building in which any denomination has the right to hold services. A Seventh-day Advent ist congregation was organ- ized here January 13, 1874. under the direction of Eider S. H. Lane. There were thirteen charter members. The membership was afterward increased to more than one hundred, but that number has been decreased bv removal of memberships to oth- er places, by deaths and various causes. OUR SCHOOLS, Before the founding of Mechanics burg: probably in the winter of 1835-6, Lewis Swain taught a term of school in a log house which stood at the east-- ern base of "the mound1' on Miss Eve Keeshng's place. A pear tree still standing marks the site. In the fall of 1836 Mrs, Susan Payne who lived in a cabin on ]ohn Bonhanrs farm, taught school in her little home of one room. Among the pupils who attended were John "Dan'l" Keesling, Mary Keesiine (Luthultz.) Susanna Swain I Weeks, ) John Swain, Sallie Swain, Samuel, Harvey and Henry Keesling; Jane Keesling 'Nash.) Benjamin, Martin and Olia Longbottom; William, Joseph, John and Rebecca Bills, Alter eating their noon lunch the I 12 History of Mechdnicsburg. i children would rush out to play in the leafy tops oi the trees which Mr. Payne was felling about the house. John Swain and Mrs. Luthultz, two of the pupils, furnish the information concerning these earliest schools. A little later, a school-house was built on Thomas Hasty's farm, on or near the site of Frank Zirkle's house. Some of the teachers here were William Swain, Levi Hasty, Mary Lewis (Small) and Martha Judd. This was a typical pioneer school- house with slabs resting on pins in the wail for writing desks, and slab benches for seats. The teacher was furnished a splint-bottom chair. An- other school-house was built on Charles Mitchell's farm. The corner stones still mark the site. In the summer of 1854 the first school -house was built in Mechanicsburg, The lot upon which it stood is now a gravel pit in the western edye of the town. The three trustees, Lewis Swain, James Wisehart am! John Bonham, hired John F. Polk, then a young man twenty-one years of age, to teach the first term beginning November 28, 1854. There were two months of public school followed by two months of private school with more than one hundred pupils enrolled, Mr. Polk boarded at George Keesling's, and remembers that lie paid for board and lodging $2.50 per month. Among the older pupils were John Hackney Swain, Rice and Amos Keesling, Ezra and Andrew Henshaw, Marcus Bonham, Calvin Keesling, George and Mary Hasty,. Hugh and Elinor Murphy, Win. and Henry .Swain, History of Mechanicsbui g \ '3 • Margaret Beck and Christena Keesling. At tliis time W. H. Keesling's education had its beginning-. Hiis father took him to the school house and placed him in the hands of the teacher. There was a short- lived rebellion on the part of the new pupil when his father left the rooni. Commencing in Jui> of the following summer: Mr. Polk taught a term ol six weeks ior small children oi whom there were sev- enty in attendance. For four successive winters he taught here, then one in the old "Seminary" at Now Castle, then returned and taught another term in 1859-60. He again returned and taught during "the winter of 1868-9. During an interview, Mr. Polk recalled many incidents connected with his ca- reer .in Mecha.osc55b.urg. Among others was one that proved embarrassing to the new teacher who was sensitive about his youthful appearance. At a noon recess, only a few days after he began his rirst term, he went into Elliott and Swain's store to gel chalk, He noticed the men were listening attentive- ly to would be.'-' Mr. Folk gave vivid descriptions oi the old- fashioned spelling-schools™ occasions that taxed the ingenuity of the young teacher to keep flown row- ilvjsm. •- 1 • — > 14 History of Mechanicsburg ■ \ \ Drivicl Hunt, assisted by his sister-in-law, Me- lissa Elliott (Pennington), taught during the sum- mer of 1859,-'" and it is probable that he taught the previous winter while Mr. Polk was at New Cas- tle, Mr. Hunt lived where Daniel Rent now live^ and had a ecu' in which he and Mrs. Hum mad' daguerreot\ pe pictures. "Mr. Polk left in the spring- of i860. No rec- ord can he found for jS6o-l or for 1862-3, but some of our citizens remember that about this time John Needham, Ezra and Andrew Henshaw, and William Watkins taught here Benjamin Rogers, of Pendleton, and Marcus Bc'nham ffcrtht itt:i-2 hi rhe spring of '63. just after receiving his dis- charge from service in the Civil War. Moses Pow- ers taught a term. He also taught in 1863-64 and 'o4-,65, closing his last term in June. 1865, In his work he was assisted by his wife who won the love and confidence o! the children in an un- usual degree. At the close ol the winter term in 1864, Miss Jane Weeden, a friend of Mrs. Bowers, came to attend a school "exhibition." She wrote some rhymes concerning the pupils and citizens which were read on that occasion. Copies of these verses arc extant. Mrs. P >wers died in Septem- ber, j 003. In the fall of 1865 Mary Tyler taught and was assisted by her sister, Sarah. Then Sarah went to the Painter school and taught during the win- ter while Mattie- Junes ( Charles) took her place here > ! . jfliWJWWK JoSm F. Folk. .-■j* a History of Mechanicsbuig* i$ as assistant, The following summer Miss Tyler, who was a woman oi strong personality and one who inspired her pupils with an ambition to make the 10 as follows:™" Ezra Bufkin and Bettie Keesling, i866r7: Wal- ter Boor and L. P. Mitchell taught the first term in the two-story frame building in '67-68; John P. Polk, Anthon) S. Huston, '68-69: L. P. Mitchell, \\ ;. 11. Keesling, '69-70: Enos Adamson, Sarah A. Weeks 1870-71: Harvey Hollenbeck, Emma Cook '71-72: Enos Adamson, Sarah Weeks '72-73; A. S. Hus- ton, Sarah Weeks - Huston '73-74; Henn A. Len- nard, Henry Fatic '74-75: Henry Lennard, Sarah. Huston '75-76; Henry Lennard, Elizabeth Weeks '76-77; George L, Swain, Nettie Vanwinkle '77-78: A. J, Larue, Elizabeth Weeks '78-79. Mr. Larue resigned and Joseph Painter was employed to fin- ish the term. C, B, Pendleton, Elizabeth Weeks '79-80: W. W .Prig;*, Elizabeth Werks [88o-8i; im™ — /6 History oj Xhchanicshurg ' Lurthi K, Ginn, Elizabeth \Veeks !8'2-8;< and 'H3- S4; W, W. Prigg, Hattie Cooper '84-85: \V. W, Prigg, Gora Brown and Ada [J pes '85-86: W. W. Prigs', Charles A. .Pendleton '8(1,87. Mary Wat- ers and Alios Guyer taught the first term in the brick school. building, '87-88; \Y. W. Prigg, O. M. Keesling; '88-89; Emily Weeks, O. M. Keesling '89- ■jo: Firmly Weeks,, Vienna Umhank 1890-91; W. O. powers. Laura Bowers --,'91 19?; -John W. Kendall, Lulu Rohrback '92*93; j. \\\ Kendall. Lizzie Quig- lev '94-1)5: O, M. Keesling, Lizzie (^uigle> '95-96, also '.96-9 7 and 'ot-q^S: Thomas A, Barrett, Lizzie Ouigley '98-99: T. A. Barrett, Dottie Pendleton 99- j-900; C. C. Hardesty, Mary Quigley iqoo-j and ii^or-2; O. M. Keesling, Gertrude Seaford 1902-3, 1903-4, 1904-5; S. C. Brown, Gertrude Sea ford l<)05-6; S. C. Brown, Hal he Painter £906-7, Many interesting (acts are recorded in an old 'Record of Proceedings , of 'District School Meet- ings." The school director called meetings of the legal voters to select the teachers. The school di- rector was chosen annually in the same way. The first record made in this hook was of a meeting held October 6, 1866, at which Frederick Rent was chosen director to succeed Isaac Wood. The ob- jects of a meeting held November 3, r.866, were, as the minutes tell us, "to decide the practicability ol repairing the school-house [the old one-story -frame building] for the winter school and to designate a teacher. Voted thai the following renair.* wii! !.«.• History of Mechanicsburg\ / necessary: Walls to be plastered with one coat where the plastering is off; door repaired; stove flue rebuilt; dirt banked up around the house so as to thor- oughly underpin it, and eight benches to be made. Harvey Keesiing agreeing to do the repairing ;\> above for the sum of $23.00, the work to be done by December 1, 1866." The late Dr. George Has- ty served as secretary lor these two meetings. Frederick Rent, school director, gave notice that he would sell the school house at public auction to the highest bidder. June 1, 1867. On that date the building now occupied by John D. Swain as a residence was sold for $80.00 to Wm, Perry, who acted as agent for the Order of Good Templars. Wm. Prigg, Si\, was the auctioneer, A new two- story frame building was erected, on the site, of the old one, during the summer of 1867. Among the names of the men who took pari in the school meetings in the sixties we rind the fol- lowing:—-Dr. George Hasty, Lewis Swain, Isaac Franklin, N. R. Elliott, Dr. Wm. Reed, Dr, Joseph Weeks, Dr. James Beck, John C. Goodwin, John R. Elliott, W. R. Miller, Thomas |. Ginn, fssac Wood, John Alspaw, Wm. McCurdy, Fiihu Swam, and John Swain. The record gives the following list of directors:-— Isaac Wood, 1863: Frederick Rent, '66; j. D. Parrel!, '67; Wiilirn Ferry, '68; Wdliam McCurdy, '69: W. R. Miller. 1870; Job Ginn, '71: Isaac Wood, '72: W. R. Miller, 'jy'7^ C. W. Wood. '79; James McCormack. 1880: C. lb T$ History of Median irsburg. Pendleton, '8i-'83; VV. H. Keesling,'83. Since the latter date the township trustee has appointed the director, and Mr. Keesling lias continued to ser\'e until r.904 when he resigned and was succeeded In Horner Wood. A steam saw mill was built in iXtjo hv Thomas B. Keesling, Elihu and Ezra Swain. It was run the first time on July 4th of that year. The ma- chinery was bought of Chandler and Davis, India- napolis,' and was brought from that citv on trucks, At the time a circular saw superceeded (lie old-fash- ioned sash" saw the three owners were fohn R. RM- lott. Amos Kisling, and William McCormack. Mr, Kisling sold his interest to Martin Pring in 187.2. William McCormack sold his interest to James Mc- Cormack in the spring of '73. Martin Pring sold his interest to representatives of a patent water- carrier, and Elliott and McCormack soon bought j this, interest. In 1882 or '8^. McCormack sold to > KSIiott who now became sole owner. This was oru- among the first steam saw nulls built in the coun ty. Previous to the building of this mill, George Keesling had built a water-power saw mill near his home. It was built about 1842, and was operated lor several years when thtjre was sufficient water. The dam, of which there' are still traces, afforded fine skating for the bovs during the winter. John Swain, Sr., had built a saw mill in i8"*6 and a nour mill in '39 on Fall Creek, north of town. The saw mill was abandoned about 1858. The ftour mill was . .. — .— u*u*ai«iufiaattt r&Blrl. ! is i I; I. i;. Mrs. Elizabeth Steesling — "Aunt Betsey." 1806-1876. . __.^_«v— utiMMOal trs. Mary KecsHng-LuthuUz. . 1 History of Mechanicsburg. uj replaced by a new building in 1866. The owners at that time were Lewis Swain and John Swain. Jr. This mill was burned Dec. 17, 1904. PERSONAL BIOGRAPHIES. John R. Elliott came io Mechanicsburg about 1850. He worked at the carpenter trade until 1854, when he began work in the saw mill with which he was connected tor forty years. Mr. Ell- iott died in 1904. Mrs, Elliott still lives in the old home on East Street, Efthu Swain, in 1851, had the house built which he occupied until his death in 1875, John R. Elliott was one of: the carpenters. Mr. Swain was one of the three men who built the saw mill. For a number of years he was in partnership with N. E. Elliott in a dry goods store. Mrs. Swain died in [900. /ffi NiMuoo K. Elliott moved to Mechanicsburg in 1851 and worked at the carpenter trade for a year or Uv.>. then' opened a little store. Soon he and Ezra Swain entered into a partnership which lasted seven Years. Then Elihu Swam was a part- ner for a number of years, 1. W. Cooper was m partnership with Mr. Elliott from [873 until 1891. Mr. Elliott finally retired from the mercantile busi- ness in 1894. His first, store was burned in 1863, A frame building was moved to the site of tin , 20 History oj Median iishurg. burned one. and in six weeks Mr. Elliott was again selling goods. This latter building gave place in r868 to the brick building now occupied by Scot) Lewis' dry goods and and grocers store. Mr. Ell- iott's death accurred in January. 1905, Mrs, Ell- iott still resides in the home on West Street. Thomas B. Keesunu, in 1853, built 1830 was coxmected with the Swain flour mill. in [850 he, in partner- ship with others, built the saw mill, Ji was proba- bly in '52 that he and X. U. Elliott opened a lit- ! History of Media n icsbu rg. 21 tie store with a combined cash capital of £300. This partnership lasted seven years. Then after farming one year, Mr; Swain boughi the store and residence on the north-east coiner. This property he sold to John C. Goodwin and Isaac Franklin in 1865, and in April of that year moved to Nobles- ville, Mr. Swain died in April, 1898; Mrs. Swam in February, 1902. William Alexander moved from the log house built when he entered his land, into a new two-Story frame house in 1853. This house is where Mrs. N. R. Elliott now lives. Elza Swain lived here from 1850-54. He built the house which lob Ginn now owns and occupies, This propertv he sold to William Sharp and moved to Liberty, Indiana, where he enlisted in the Civil War. He gave up his life in defending the Union. Joshua Crisher came in the early fifties. He was a cabinet-maker, and made burial caskets. For many years they kept hotel on South Street. They moved to Knight'stown, where Mr. Crisher died. < John Alspaw, also a cabinet-maker, came from Ohio in 1856. lie died in 1905 at the age of nine- ty-one. Frederick Rent on the first day of the year 1852 moved with his family from Ohio, to which slate lie had come from Pennsylvania. Both parents and ;?,? > riisto ry of Me xka )i icsbu ig\ • . ■ - children used thee German language. He bought property of John P. Cooper, and added two rooms to the house one of which he used tor a shea- shop. Here Mr, Ken! lived anil worked, with the exception of the time he spent in defending the Union, until his death which occurred in 1871. Mrs. Kent lived until 1889, Who among the children ot their old neighbors does not remember the bird and annua! cookies: with which 'Granny Rent'' added to their Christmas joys ? . William Wood and Betsey Tucker -wrere married in 1833. As soon as tin- new home, already begun, could be finished they moved into the house which has been their home lor more than half a century. Mrs. Wood remembers that John !). Cooper, fa- miliarly known as "Tine/' had built the '* Grand- father Mann house ' and had moved into it only three days before she came to her new home: that fhornas B. Keesling had built and was occupying die Weeks home; that Mr. Maloaey, a tailor, was :>ceupyuig the fust house east of T. B, Keesiing's; that Ezra Swain lived in the W> It, Miller house: that fiavilah Adarnson, Win. Alexander's son-in-law, Lived in a cottage which stood (in the 'site of W. •T. Keesiing's. residence; that Dr, Hopkins lived where Mrs, Sarah Keesling now lives; Geo. White bad just built and moved into the house which Dr. William Heed afterward owned and occupied; X. R. Elliott lived where I. W. Cooper now lives: Joshua --' ^8$Sjif?jn!^^^ k ., | ■ •e .-■: o ! ■ ! <5 £ ■q ** ■i; V ™ ■?' 1 it* Si k: ! ■ Vj v ii « > i- ■■i *- 1 -ft 4; "3 ■;: K ;, a History of Median icsburg. 23 Crisher. Hiram Brattain and Jackson Wisehart lived 011 South Street; Washington Franklin lived o! the Mrs, N. A. Goodwin property. Dr. James Beck came to Mechanicsburg in April, 1854, and lived in the house now owned by Mrs. |Kezia Upp. He was appointed Post-Master June, I1S56, and served until October, '62. [n 1872 he moved to Fairmount, and thence to Elwood where he died in 1882. Mrs. Beck died at Kokomo, Feb- • ruarv 2. 1000. .Lewis Greenlee married Marietta Wood and moved to Meehaxiiesburs in 18*4. Thev moved l-away in '5'j. but returned in '<'wt. They went to jMarkleville in 1880 at which place Mr. Greenlee died in 1900. Mrs. Greenlee . now resides in Mid- tdletov. n. John C Goodwin came to Mechanicsburg about iH^j and entered into partnership with L. G. Greenlee in the shoe business. He and Isaac ^Franklin in 1865, bought Ezra Swain's store. Mr. .-Franklin v.as Post-Master and kept the Office in the store. In 1868 Mr, Goodwin became sole owner and continued the business until his death which occurred in 1870. Then Samuel H., the - eldest son, assumed charge until ill health com- peiled him to give up work. Charles S., the sec- ond son, returned irom Beloit, Wis., where he had received mercantile training and took charge of the 24 History of Mechanicsbiirg i store in 1876. A new brick building was erected on the site of the old store in 18S0, and in 1882 the firm name became N. A. Goodwin & Sons. In 1879 Charles was married to Lizzie E, Swain, His death occurred in January, 1886. Mr£, Goodwin now resides in New Castle. John \V . Goodwin the third son has continued the business. He married Lucy McCormack, and they began housekeeping in the John L. Swain property. Sic bought his present home on North Street in 1885. Mr, Goodwin ordered tour rocking chairs Lor the holiday trade in 1880. Selling these he sent in larger orders and was so successful in this line that lie bought W. K, Miller's stock of furniture and later that of David Weaver. Prom this small beginning grew the furniture store located in the building erected by Mr. Goodwin on West Street in 1902, Mrs. Goodwin died May 30, 1907. Mrs. Nancy Goodwin still resides in the house which has been her home since 1869. Jonathan M, Lf-'.vvts in '56 built the house now occupied by Abel Sinnett and after living in it tour years sold to Cabin F. Keeslsng, Mr. Lewis was a carpenter and built a number of houses in town, For many years past he has jived on his farm southeast of town. Dr. Joseph Weeks began practicing medicine in 1 84.7. Me was married to Susanna Swains in 1.849. He moved to Mechantcshurg in '50 and History of Mechanicsburg. the following year bought the home- in which In still resides, Mrs. Weeks died July 2, 1901. A number of successful physicians were students j 1 . his office at Mechanics burg", Among them wen Drs. William Reed, George Hasty, John Need- ham, T. W. Gronendyke, j. M. Thurston, C. K. Wood. W. M, Rix, F. L. Stone, A. S. Huston, C. B. Pendleton, j. O. Lowman,. Elizabeth Weeks, W. D. McCormack, ilence. lou Ginn and Elizabeth Rent were married in 1858 and began housekeeping in the home which thev still occupv. Mr. Ginn war* one of the earU carpenters whose substantial work is stiii in evj- Dk. W. M. Rix .married Catherine Miller in 1864, Thev moved from here in 187; or 'j± and wen - living in Muncie at the time of Dr. Rix's death. Dr. George Hasty's boyhood was spent 01: 3 1 is father's farm. Sometime during the fifties hi studied medicine under Dr. Weeks. In tSoo he was elected to a professorship in the Cincinnati Physio-Medical Institute, He practiced inedicint in Mechanicsburg until 1872 when he moved to In- dianapolis where hi- was one of the founders of th< Physio-Medical College of Indiana. Dr. Masts was connected with this college almost continuous!} until his death winch occurred in 1005, Mrs, ■ Hasty still lives in Indianapolis. 1 ! ■ i 26 History of Mechanksburg George White married Elizabeth Keesling. A'ter living in Mechanics burg a lew years they moved to Hamilton County but afterward returned and bought the John Keesling farm. They lived here until 1879 when they moved to Kansas. Mr. White died in 10,00. Mis White resides in To- peka. William R. Miller, in 1859. moved into the house which is his present home. For many years he manufactured pumps and chairs. He also had an undertaking establishment in connection with his other work. His son L, O, Miller was in partnership with him lor several years. The Mil- ler home was a favorite stopping place with the early "circuit riders'' of the M. E. church. Mrs. Miller died in October, 1904, Jacob Brows, a wagon maker, was located on West Street during the fifties. He sold to Lind- ley Allen; Moses Lindamood, also a wagon mak- er, was here a little later. During the fifties there lived in town Burris Personett a carpenter, fames Wood a blacksmith, Joseph Groves a tinner, John 1>. Cooper and John P. Cooper, both carpenters, Hiram Short a mechanic. Dr. William Reed moved from Warrington and practiced medicine from 1864 to '"2, Afterward he looked after Ids farming interests aitho he contin- ued to reside in his home on East Street until his ' i Ezra Swain. 1822-1898. . .-. u«ir'nrr/<«! V* n^'iV 1 1 *-* Vat r /-\/~* r Aire Ft? 1 W 1. 1 death which occurred February, iqoi. Mrs. Ree< died it) 1894. housekeeping in a cottage west oi Elliott's store. This building has since been converted into a vvare- room, After' a clerkship of seven years Mr. Coop- er entered into a partnership with Mr. Elliott which lasted eighteen years. They built their present home in 1883. James D., Farrell came to Mechanics burg in ■ [mla W. Coopeh began work as salesman in N. H. Elliott's store, March, 1866. The following vear he married Sarah E. Hunt and thev began - - ' ! September, '66, He had a dnig store on the north- west corner and resided m the house now occupied by Mis. N, R. Elliott. Mr. Fan-ell and family re- turned to Middletown September, '68. There were two successive i rug stores on this corner between the years 1868 and 1871, the first belonging to John Trout the Second to Ezra and Samuel Bufkin, Amos Killing worked in his father's saw mill and on the home farm until his enlistment in the Civil War. Lat^r he bought an interest i« the steam saw mill in town. He was married to Rhoda M. Swain in 1867 and the following year buiit their present home, Mr. Kisiing devotes much attention to fruit-growing . Daniel Rent worked at the carpenter trade both before and after bis service in the Civil War. 28 History of Mechanicsburg \ David Hodson, a harness-maker, marries! Sarah Tarklesom and lived on North Street during the sixties. They moved to Anderson where Mr. Hodson died a number ol years ago. Mrs. Bod- son died in 1 907. Wh.i.;am McCurdv, a harness-maker, served in the Civil War. He moved to Markleville in 1887 where he died December, 1900. Mrs. McCurdy died m May, X907. Isaac VVoojj, a blacksmith, came with his family from Ohio in 1863 and resided in the house now occupied by Abel Sinnett. He worked in partner- ship with William Wood until 1874, He then studied and practiced medicine, Their son Charles E. studied medicine, but practiced only a short time when his work was ended by death in 1874. En os Aimmson lived on his farm north of town In 1869 he married Sarah Williams who died in •72". They began housekeeping in a cottage on the site oi his present,, home which was built in '88, Mr, Rent was married to Sarah C, Graham in '74. He was appointed Post-Master in '98 and served until the Post-Office was abolished in 1907. Dr. John Nhedham was married to Christena Keesling in '58, They moved to Mechanicsburg in '6o where he studied medicine in the office of ins. Weeks and. Hasty: in '62 located at New Castle; in '86 moved to California where he died July, 1004. History of Mechanicsburg .?g but taught a number of school terms here during the seventies. Ho was the first Superintendent of the Henry County Schools. It was probably in '72 that he was elected Superintendent to succeed Clarkson Davis who was the last man to hold the ofhee of County Examiner, Mr. Adamson intro- duced the graded system into the district schools and was severely censured by many 01 the ieach- ers for "tr-ving to introduce citv methods into coun- trv schools." His work stands justified today. Mr. Adamson died in 18";^, Mrs, Adamson is stii! living. Dr. William R. Swain lived here during the seventies- He served as post-master from April 187S to September, '79. His death occurred September 8, 1879. Mrs. Swain died in 1900. Calvin F. Keesling married Martha White and located in Mechanicsbury;.. Jn i860 lie bought and occupied the house built by Jonathan M. Lewis. Later he lived on East Street. He moved to Ham- ilton County but returned in 1875 and bought the Nathan Murphy place* They lived here until 1880 when they went to Noblesville where they still re- ide. Riley Alexander married Amanda Alspaw and during the sixties lived where Daniel Rent now lives, Mr. Alexander served in t he Civil War. They now reside in Fulton County. - - m jo History of Meckanic'sburg James Alexander married Ellen, daughter of Wm. Als'paw; He lost his life in the Civil War. Mrs. Alexander afterward married VV. IL Eiler an at- torney, and now lives at Warsaw, Indiana. Cyrus Wood came to Mechanicsburg in Octo- her. 1867, and went into partnership with Lewis Greenlee; was married to Mary Keesling, in 1869; built the house now owned bv Charles F, Keesling in 1874, and lived there until 1S97 when he built their present home. He opened a harness shop in 1882 which he sold to Scott Lewis in 1906. Re- cently Mr. Wood is devoting his attention to his farming interests. John L. Swain, son of Elza Swain, came 10 Mechanicsburg soon after the close ol the Civil War in which he served. He was married to Re- becca Alspaw, October, 1869. For manv vears he has followed his trade as plasterer and brick-layer. William H. Keeslino taught in the Mechanics- burg school as assistant to L. P. Mitchell in 1869- '70. In October, 1870, he was married to Sarah j. Cooper who died June, 1881, Mr. Keesling opened a grocery store* -September 1, 1871, on the north- west corner in the building erected bv T. B. Kees- ling in 1849. During the summer of 1871 the building had been lengthened and the I. O. O. F. had added a . second story to be used as a hall. Five years later, Mr. Keesling added a hardware department in an adjoining building, "ribs build- History of Mechanicsburg 31 111%, had been moved to its present site and was originally the two-story iarm house of George Kees- ling. Both buildings and a large part of the stock of goods was burned in the disastrous fire of De- cember 1901. Mr. Keesling continued business in the Odd Fellows' Block on South Street until 1905 when he removed his goods to the south-east cor- ner, his present location, ' He lived for a number of years in a cottage on the Site of his present home which was built in 2884, W. H. Keesling was married to Nan janett Miller February 18, 1883. Dr. John E. Canaday in November, 1872, came to Mechaniesburg to succeed the late Dr, George Hasty who was moving to Indianapolis, Dr, Can- ad ay remembers that he came the day alter Gen- era! Grant was elected president. He bought the home which Dr. Hasty had built, and remained in Mechanicsburg until after the death of Mrs. Can- aday whicl - occurred in 1874. i>r. Canaday after- ward abandoned the profession of medicine tor business and is now a. member of the firm ot Ritchie, Stein and Canaday. furniture dealers at Anderson. Jacob Fa tic, a stock buyer; married Margaret Beck. They sold the farm which Isaac Myer now owns and built, in 1872, the brick residence which was their home until Mr, Fatic's death in 1898. Anthony S. Huston was married to Sarah A. ■$2 History of Meckanicsburg Weeks November, 1872; bought and moved into the Rent property in '73; studied medicine; moved to Pendleton in 1876 where he remained until '89 when he located in Anderson. Dr. Huston died December, 1894. '- George D. Rent and Sarah Perry were married in 4868, but: soon moved. near Pendleton, Indiana, where they are stiil living, James McCormack, in the spring of 1.873, bought an interest in the saw mil! and moved to town; in '74. bought Dr. Canaday's property and moved into it; in '82 or '83 sold his interest in the mil! to John R. Kl iott. and in '85 moved to Cadiz. Mr. and Mrs. McCormack are now living at Kennard. Dk. F. L. Stone studied medicine in Dr. Weeks' office, and located here in August. 1874. lie left in '79. but returned in ^885 and remained until De- cember, 1889, when they moved to Pendleton their present home. Dr, Stone married AnuctSwain, John Gref.ni.ef came from Franklin County in 1869. He bought j. C. Goodwin's property on North Street and resided there until he moved to Elwood in '79. Mr. Greenlee died in 1902, ami Mrs. Greeniee survived him only a few months. Michael Mann came to Mechanicsburg in 1865 or '66. Mrs. Mann died in 1870. A lew years later Mr. Mann married Mrs. Sarah Hawkins. Alter her death ""Grandfather" went to live with relatives. History of Median ictt Lewis married Laura Cook and after farming tor a time moved to Mechamcsburg in 1894 where he and his brother U. G, Lewis had bought ihe N. R. Elliott store. They, in partnership with W. H. Cummins, put up a building adjoining the store and began to deal in, vehicles and farming implements. V. G, Lewis soid his interest to the others in 18x57. \V. H, Cummins retired in 1904. leaving Scott Lewi;; sole proprietor. Since then Mr.. Lewis has put up another building and enlarged his stock. In the spring of 1907 *VIr. Lewis bought Diaries 1L Kees!ing\s store, Ulysses G, Lewis married Lucy Keeslingi was in partnership with Scott Lewis from 1894 until 1897; bought Curtis Reed's property on Last Street in 1895 and resided there until 1897 when he sold his interest in the store and moved to Markjeviile. , j Mr. Lewis died September, 18^7, Frank Str/H'gh was married to Or.ie Kent, 1899, They went to housekeeping 1901, in the eottage north of Amos Kisling's. In 1903 they bought the T. A. Goodwin propem and have sinci- rt-iidvd there. Wiu.is E:i>ri.i. married Mary Htaton in 1898. The}' came c*< town in 1903, and have since re- sided in the Fatic home. Mrs. Sarah Keesljng bought be?' present home in 1905. . ^ . — . .- ^.MunMHMUMlU History of Mcchanustnug .// John Ai.krioht moved from his farm to a home on East Street in 1903. Mrs. Albright died July 7, 1907. Curtis Graham and Aurilla Coon were married in 1905, They lived for a time on East Street but are now occupying the Charles F. Keesling property. \}\k. H. E. Misknfr came to Mechanicsburg in 1907, and is living on North Street, Among the people who have been residents of the town, and have not already been mentioned, art the physicians — Rush, Jones, Mitchell, McKillup, Ander- son, Oldham, Culipher; carpenters— Joseph Nicode- • mus, Thomas Ginn, James Ginn, James Small. John Rent, John Gipe, Daniel Davis; wagommakers — Evan Jones, Noah McCormack, Henry Gipe. Mr. Farin; blacksmiths — James Wood. Michael Davis. Peter Crisher, Robert Trout, O. S. Coffin, Jesse Templeton, C. Siders: shoe-makers— Isaac Nicodemus (now of Fairmount) William Goodwin, Cyrus Mays, Adolphus Lynch, Samuel Green; butchers — Joseph Mowery, James Lowery; retired fanners — William Pri^g, Sr., Thomas Hasty, Greenberry Farmer; carriage-paint- er—James Orr; mechanics- — James Alspaw, Otis Hus- ton; druggist—Charles Pendleton; also — Rice'Kees- ling, John Hackney Swain, Aaron Swain, George E-ius ton, John Weeks, Jesse Hewlett, Eldred Cooper, George Hoel, Theodore Jester, George W. Hasty, George Swope, Charles McCurdy, Charles Courtney, LODGES 42 History of Mechanicsburg W. A, Young, Oliver Lodge, Charles Avers, Mrs. Elizabeth Tarkleson, Mrs. Bettie Bowman, Mrs. Marthena Udell, Gary Jester and Samuel Keesling. POST- MASTERS A complete list of the post -masters of Mechan- icsburg, and the date of appointment, is as follows:-- Thomas B. Keesling, July 14, 184.9; John C. Good- win, November 7, 1855; Jacob Meek, May 21, 1856; James Beck, June 11,. 1856; Sieesman Meeker, Oc- tober 2, 1862: Isaac Franklin,' October 20, 1864; John C. Goodwin, February 2, 1870: Ezra Buikin, December 8, 1870; John \Y. McCurdy, June 22, 1871; Win. A. Greenlee, February 7, 1876; Win, R. Swain, April 1, 1878; Luther O. Miller, September -25, 1879: C. S. Goodwin, September 16, 1880; J. D. Zirklo, September 3, 1886; J, W. Mills, April 5, 1889: T. A, Goodwin. September ):, 1890; S. S. Hopkins, May r, 1894; Daniel Rent, March . ai, 1898, The ' Star Route :' was discontinued No- vember ri, 1905, and the mail was then brought to the post-onice by Isaac Myer a rural route car- rier from Middletown. The post-office was abol- ished January 15, 1:907, since which time the mail * is delivered bv carrier. The Mechanicsburg Masonic Lodge was organ- ized in 1868 and chartered May 25, 1869, The I 1 s ! Mr. auti Mrs, Thomas IL Kcesiiujj. Mechauicsburg's Firs! Tost- Master. 9 History of Meckanicsburg 43 first officers were N. R. Elliott, W. M.; Lewis G. Greenlee, S. W.; j. M. Thurston, J. VV. The oilier charter members were: Jackson Bushong, I. W, Cooper, George Dillinger, John R. Elliott, Greenberry Farmer, Isaac Franklin, George Hasty, Thomas Hasty, John H, Rent, John Swam, Ross Wilkinson, Joseph Weeks, John C. Goodwin. The I, O, O. F. Lodge was chartered May" 19, 1869, with the following members: Squire dinger, Thomas S. Feck. William McCurdy, Daniel Rent, j. H. Rent, Martin Pring, Job Ginn. The Daugh- ters of Rebecca Lodge was organized Jane, 1872. The members were: S. C. dinger, S. F. dinger, j, H. Rent, Parthena Rem., Martin Pring, Leviria Pring, William Perry, M. J. Perry, Job Ginn, Elisabeth Gmn, Jacob Keesling, Maria Keesiing, Daniel Rent, Sarah Rent. The present membership is sixty -two. The Red Men's Lodge was instituted April 9, 1905, with sixty-eight members. They bought the second story of Charles Keesling's store in 1905. A Pocahontas Lodge wras organized January 16, 1906. THESPIAN SOCIETY The Thespian Society was formed among the members of the Order oi Good Templars in 1867. The object was to give entertainments to pay tor the Templars1 Hall which was the old one-story school-house. The members were J. M. Thurston, VV. H, Keesiing, L. P. Mitchell, A. S. Huston, 1 r ,, :, V ■ , 44 History of Mechanicshurg The Qui Vivo Club, a progressive, wide-awake woman's club, was organized December 12, 1902,. with the following charter members: Mrs. Laura Cooper, Mrs. Jpsie Hardesty. Miss Emily Weeks, Mrs. Nan Janett Keesiing, Miss Blanche Goodwin, Miss Elizabeth Weeks, Mrs. Daisy Misener, Miss Mary Quigley, Mrs. One Strough, Mrs. Lucy Good- win. Other members of the club are the Misses Grace and Josephine: Rent. Gertrude Seaford, Win- ifred VanWinkle, Vieune Prigg, India Cooper, Virgil VanWinkle, Mrs. Edna Lewis. The club, in addi- tion to the work of self- improvement, has taken hold of the village improvement idea and has already secured fire protection for the town. Thomas Heck, John Hasty, George Rent, Moses Rent, Ida F. Elliott, Mary L. Beck, Sarah C, Perry. Dr. j. M. Thurston, now of Richmond, Indiana, painted the stage scenery and arranged a stage which, though diminutive, closely resembled that of a "real theater." This company of inexperienced young people played "Richard III" most credit- ably with Dr. Thurston in the title role. They also played a comedy, "The Persecuted Dutch- man." The plays surpassed anything before at- tempted by local talent, but in a few days a sha- dow was cast over their triumph by the death of John Hasty, one of their number. QUI VIVE CLUB -Mil - . --.n..i..Vfl.^.^um«wni '■'^WA\W a 5 3 © -■ .-* — t-^d History of Mechanicsbtirg ./5 21 n ^ILnunrinm ELIZABETH WEEKS, August, 1904.- LUCY GOODWIN, May, 1907. - "'Beneath the low green tent Whose curtain never outward swings." THE UNDERGROUND RAILROAD There was a strong anti-slavery sentiment in Nlechanicsburg. The home of John Swain, Sr., north ol town was one of the "Underground Rail- road Stations,'' Many a negro was brought here from Greensboro by Daniel Saint who always came in the night, rapped at the door, stepped aside where he could not be seen when the door was opened, and with a laconic "Here s your goods," sped away in the darkness. Mr. Swain, who was a staunch anti-slavery Quaker, took the fugitive slave i in, cared for him and, usually on tin* following night, sent him in charge of one of his own sons to the next Station. John Swain, Jr., now of Middletown, took a number of these slaves to the Back Creek'' neighborhood near Fairmount where there was an-' other Station. Cater, Lewis Swain's homo served as a Station. Mrs. Beulah A. Swain who helped care for these slaves had, when a young girl, lis- tened to the inspiring words of the noted anti-sla- ■' j6 History of Mechanicsbuig very speakers. She attended the dedication oi the iamous Pennsvh ania Hall" where she saw Wen-' dell Phillips, William Llovd Garrison, Charles Bur- leigh, the Grirake Sisters, Abbv Kellv and John G. Whittier. She heard Luc ret ia Mutt plead for the slave from the pulpit and from the platform. Mrs, Swain, now eighty-eight years old, has lived to see the slave for whom she labored eniov mon than iortv years of freedom; THE CIVIL WAR When the call for men to defend the Union came, Meehawicsburg answered gexierously. Com- pan\ E. of ilfa 8th InfantrX was mustered into ser- vice September 5, 1861, and took the following men:— William Pens, Daniel Rent, Samuel Mitch- ell, George Tarkleson, James W. Alexander, Wil- liam T, Beck, {ohn K. Swam, Garv {ester, Saia- thiei Bowers, Ihev took part in the earn pa mm against Vicksburg and were then- during the lortv- '".-.■ seven davs between tne investment and surrender ; of the city. WiHiam T. Beck was killed May 23, 1S63. Daniel Kent was wounded at Jackson, Mis- sissippi, John K. Swain reached home onl\ to die August 22, 186 5, Company F. of the ^yth Infantry was recruited • in October and November, i86r. The following men entered service: John H. Kent, Thomas Girm. foseph Huston, Josephus V. Elliott, James J. Black, Moses Bowers, and Isaac Nicodemus. Henry Als- 1 ' ■ i p 5 ■ ; . Mi r*T ■ . Hi \ .A v ^ (j ■ ^V v c 0 A- a Hi "3 B * '5 a JA O If* 3 0 y it X Si % V 1 1 Mrs. Anue Swain. 1 789-1875. ( Wife of John Swain, Sr.) History of Mechanicsburg 4\ ■ i paw served in Company E., Qth Indiana Cavalry. In Company H. of the 69th Infantry, were Amos Kisling, John R. Elliott, Thomas W. Gronendyke, James Edward McCormack, William McCurdy, Hugh Murphy, Jonathan Murphy, Isaac Keesling, William II. Huston, John Wesley Miller, Robert V. Price-, William 33. Henshaw, Nicholas Ginn, Wil- liam Wiseheart, W. R. Alexander and Jacob Alspaw. This Company went into quarters at Camp Wayne Richmond, Indiana, and was mustered into the ser- vice of the United States August 19, 1862. At this time the Confederates under General Bragg were invading Kentucky, One division under General Kirliy Smith was sweeping on toward Cincinnati. All the regiments then organizing in Indiana and Ohio were hurried toward. Among others went the 69th Regiment only a few days in camp and with- out discipline' and drill. On the 20th of August, they left Camp Wayne and ten days later took pan m the' battle near Richmond, Kentucky- The brave but undisciplined Federals were no match for Smith's drilled men, and the battle- resulted in the defeat oi the' Onion troops. Two members of Company II., Robert Price' and William B. Henshaw, were killed, seventeen were wounded and fifty were cap- tured. The iate John R„ Elliott, first sergeant. was wounded and lay unattended on the battle' field lor nineteen hours. The prisoners we're- soon re- leased on parole and returned home. Tin- patriotic women oi MeeJianiesburg gave a ureal dinner te> tin ■fS H is to ry of Media n icsbu rg, . returned heroes. A large wagon shop standing on or near the site of Dr. Misener's office, after being cleared and decorated with the national colors. served as a banquet hall. Alter these paroled men were exchanged they, in November, went to Mem- phis, 'Tennessee. They took part in the assault on Chickasaw Bluffs, December 29, and helped in the capture of Arkansas Post, January ii, 1863. On returning the 69th Regiment encamped at Young's Point. Louisiana. This was a low marshy place and much sickness followed. Among the many who died hire -were William H. Huston, February 20. 1863, and Isaac 15. Keesling March iS, 1803. At Miihkens Bend, La., another marshy encampment. William Wesley Miller died May 9, 1863, and [ames Edward McCormack died February 18, 1863. John R. Elliott was. discharged March, 1863, William McCurdy January, 1:865, .Amos Kisling April. ) %3- William Wiseheart was mustered out May, 1865. On the 5th o! July, 1865, the 69th Regiment was mustered out. When Governor .Morton called tor men at the time of Morgan's raid the following men went oar from our town and vicinity: Dr. George Hasty, first lieutenant; W. M. Rix, second lieutenant; Sleesman Meeker. John W. Keesling, John Van Buskirk, Thomas Beck, Samuel Bowers, Job Ginn, T. W. Gronendyke, Eli Keesling, C. F. Keesling, C. F. B. Keesling, O. H. M'odlin, W. 11. Prigg, William Swain, Henry Swain, Mai tin Wist-- ' !- History of Mr than icsbu rg j.q heart, Reuben Wiseheart. and James Huston. Under the call ior ''One Hundred Davs Troops," L. P. Mitchell and George D. Kent enlisted in the 139th Regiment. INCIDENTS Pioneer Experiences Before Mechanicsburg had an existence there was a little store about one-half mile west of the pies-. < lit sue ol the town. Jonathan Lewis remembers that one of his father's neighbors was imprisoned on account oi a debt at this store, which was called t\\^ Raper Store. The law at that time permitted imprisonment ior debt. John Swain, Jr., says the first trading he evei did was at Raper's store when he exchanged ginseng roots for a pocket-knife. When Daniel Keesiing- was examining a tract oi land with a view oi entering it, he saw a stranger looking over the same tract and apparently hunting for a spring; Mr. Keesiing knew he must act quick- iv, or lose the land. His brother, Jacob, mime- diately saddled a horse and hurried to Indianapolis, He secured the land and as he was leaving the office met the stranger ascending the steps. Alter building ins cabin, Daniel Keesiing was unexpect- edly called away one evening and through a mis- Biinderstaoding Mrs, Keesiing was left alone all night with two small children. There was onls a blanket hanging in the doorway and Mr, Keesiing had burned a brush pile each nigh! to frighten away 5° History of Meckanicsbttrg the wild animals that lurked in the wood. On tiu night in question Mrs. Keesling ('"Aunt Katie Dan'l") climded a ladder with her children to some boards which had been laid overhead. She spent the night in terror since there was no hie to frighten away the hears and wolves and ;io door to bar them out. Mrs. Mary Luthultz, now the oldest living member of the Keesling family in this neighborhood, was one o£ these children. A Crusade It was probably in the summer of 1858 that a man named Snideman, who lived in a log house on the site of John Albright's home, bought a bar- rel ot whiskey and began to retail it. The women soon decided that it must be stopped. One evening a little band oi determined women gathered together and quietly started to the house of the offender. The man. however, had received warning and they found the doors fastened, A missing window pane serve;! as a poii-holc- through which the defender brandished Will IttSlCH li in'illlill HUH, ailU LTlUIIC illllllllll H> |>U1 the crusaders out by main . f orce. In an unguarded moment he tripped and fell to the ground. It is. hinted that his fair visitors, taking advantage oi his blind rage,, deliberately planned his fall. Some ot — i History oj Mechanicsbiirg 51 their number held Snideman securelj while others proceeded to mete out justice. The group ol men standing outside the fence waiting to help their wives, if necessary, smiled encouragingly to them when their victim stopped threatening and began to yell 'Murder!'' One lady, in speaking of this in- cident, smiled reminiseentiy as she said, "Good land! { wonder^ve didn't leave him entirely bald." Snide- man was not now in a position to ask liberal terms and agreed to give up the whiskey if allowed tore- tain, a certain amount tor his own use. The women allowed him to do this, but watched to see th.u he took no mure than the specified amount. The men then carried the barrel up town and finding the whis- key would not burn poured it upon the ground. It is said that a thirsty hog gulped some o! it down and then iay in a stupor for several hours. The good citizens felt sorry for the hog, but thought it not so bad for a hog to be in the gutter as it would be for their sons to be there. Nathan Murphy, a Justice of the Peace, in order to prevent an indictment threatened by Snideman, hastily summoned the wom- en to appear before him and fined them ONE CENT each. One of the guards, also, was fined twenty-five cents ior administering a kick. The women who took part in this little crusade were Mesdames Frederick Rent. John Showers. William Alexander, James Al- exander, William Wood, James Small, Ezra Swain, Stowe, James Wood. Job Ginn. Mrs. James Alexan- der is now Mrs. W. If. Eiter, and lives at Warsaw; J~ History of Mechanusburg Indiana. Two of the number, Mrs. William Wood and Mrs. job Ginn, ate still living in Mechanicsburg and furnish the information here given. The others have been laid to rest, but the influence of that day's weak has ever since kept tin- town lice from saloons. Two Fires On the night of December 12, 1901, afire origi- nated m the Post-Office and v. hen discovered was under such headway that neither the- building nor contents could be saved. Or. Elizabeth Weeks' office stood only a few feet to the west and was soon in flames. j. W. Goodwin's furniture store, on the east, was blazing in a few minutes arid from' this building the flames leaped to W. II. Keesling's grocery store, thence to the adjacent, building in which hi- kept a stock oi hardware. Next in the path of the fire was Charles F-. Keesling's two-story workshop. This was soon destroyed and it was only by tiie most heroic wcr!< that the (ire was stopped here. The building in which the Post-Office was lo- cated was the rust business house built in the town, and had been moved from the northeast corner to \\ est Street. Ol the six buildings burned two have been replaced by new ones. J. W. Goodwin built a furniture store in 1902 and Charles V . Keesling erected a two-story business building in 1004. Again on the night oi January 29, 1904. a lire originated in Walter M. Lowery's house. Mr. Low- es y barely escaped with his life. Jacob Zirkle's . History of Mechaniciburg 53 home, just across the alley, was also soon in ashes. Mr. Zirkle immediately rebuilt. . : Recollections \V. H. Keesling remembers buying candy in , John Kelley's store on West Street but does not re- member whether it was a dry goods, drug or gro- cery store. Me remembers the candy jar only. John Goodwin, growing reminiscent, told how Lu- ther Miller, W. A., and "Judge" Greenlee played the rife and drums Thompson, Montiv.v Dav-Sanders, Honev Creek. -:■; History oj Mcchanicsburg 59 George Pendleton, who is a student at Purdue Univer- sity; Lawrence, Russell and Vieune Prigg, Arthur VanWinkle, who is preparing to enter medical col- lege; Winifred and Virgil VanWinkle, Amy Lewis, Virgie and Georgia Mau?y, Linnie and Ethel Kee.s- Ung, Bessie and Artemus Reed, Oliver Moore, Grace, Dot and Opal Zirkie, Mary Dasher, Mary Fa tic, Rosa and Charles Adams, Calvin Graham. We also claim the following young people from Pleasant Kill who attend church and Sunday-school here: Ada and Raymond Lewis. Osa and Hassel Bus- hong, Edward, Stanton, Clio, Grace, Gladys and Flossie Lewis and HersheJ Whistler. Wherever Mcchanicsburg !s sons and daughters may roam they still have visions of a village "Where smiling spring its earliest visit paid, And parting summer's lingering blooms delayed: How often have I loitered o'er thy green. Where humble happiness endeared each scene! How often have I paused on every charm, The sheltered cot, the cultivated [arm, The never- failing brook, the busy mill, The decent church that topped the neighboring hill!" i — .—-, INCLUDING PORTRAITS, RESIDENCES AND PLACES OF INTEREST ABOUT MECHANICSBURG i 1«T s u c c u a £ A ■a sm 1 "." c ■ cu H > ■ '., ' • . yr ? " -S? vur AvMi- W £. v. ■.■-.■■■ >.■■• in.- . - ■ ' : . . ■ A ■'-: ,*> ■■ '■ V i ■ I < ! ..,- 4 iJ^voMin ..'.; .v.\J; ■. ■.' . ■ ft ft '*-■■■/■■ •' ■••?-. r>s rfl4*'«!^':i)kii^Mfai«. Jf* S-.1J^$W^W?^W^,^TO,WWW¥e». lis ■ J$% A .'$ ' mm---- ■ . ! IT >\^-.- •J £ a M S a ■ 1 a cr. T3 "— ■> ! 0 '.<*$$$■ . \ -X M • i$r~'%w? ■ N. R. Elliott. 1827-1905. ' ! / ' -&•'" / ■V-.' .«. •> Ja^X. ' Enos Adainson. 1822-1875. Joseph Weeks, M. D. ■ r ' r -■ ■ ' m ySS<3^£%^$ ■ >■,,.$ . \ i ■«:. %gj i i^¥-#;-- : . ' ■ a c 0 3 fa. Q "I -J 3 C O s . .+1 '•'■'. fa - — • • ... V .' "■ tV ' ;.■" * ■ ' ' 5 . 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